DeckProtect Strip
Strip is an environmentally friendly paint and oil remover. It has been designed to effectively remove paint and oil from all vertical/horizontal surfaces. Its unique formulation is designed to coat the substrate to be stripped and not run off, ensuring its active ingredients work directly only on the coating to be removed.
• Product Water based paint stripper
• Consistency Gel like
• Thinning No thinning required
• Application Time Dwell time of gel on graffiti is dependent on type of paint to be removed in most cases this may take 10 – 20 min. On aged paint/oil or difficult to remove coatings, dwell time may exceed 20 min.
• Environment Made from environmentally friendly materials
• Cleaning Wash up with water
• Container Size 1lt, 4lt, 10lt
• PH Non-Corrosive
• Coverage Substrate Dependent. Theoretical 15-20m² per Ltr
Ensure all safety Instructions are followed as per Material Safety Data Sheet, wear safety goggles and gloves.
Cleaning/stripping previously coated Timber and Wood Plastic Composite surfaces.
Caution: Care must be taken when using paint strippers to ensure that the substrate or in the case of graffiti removal pre-existing coating is not damaged in any way. Not pre-testing surfaces or leaving paint strippers on for excessively long times may cause irreparable and costly damage to the surface being stripped. Strip has been carefully formulated to minimize any such damage; however, it is entirely up to the user of the product to work within its recommended guidelines.
Surface Pre-Test
Pre-test a small discreet patch of surface with Strip to ascertain time required to strip the coating and observe for any signs of discolouration, shadowing, etching or delamination of substrate. This may take between 15 – 30 min for most freshly coated surfaces. For heavier coated aged surfaces, gel may have to remain for at least one hour. User discretion will be required with intermittent testing at 10 – 15min intervals.
Strip acts on the surface penetrating through layers of coating to be removed. Stripping action can be maximised by intermittently abrading the surface with a stiff brush or scouring pad to allow the gel to penetrate through these layers quicker.
Application Procedure
Once optimum dwell times have been established, liberally apply Strip by brush or textured roller over areas to be stripped. Ensure the gel is applied evenly allowing the required time to soften or lift the old coating from the substrate. Depending on the degree of break-down in the old coating or the type of surface being cleaned, stripper may be removed using a scourer pad, plastic or metal scrapper, brush, or high pressure gerni.
Once the old coating has been successfully removed, wash surface down by water jet ensuring no residues is lodged in deep crevices, notches, or timber grain. If needed clean out using hard bristle brush. It is recommended that timber surfaces such as timber decks or cladding be lightly sanded to remove any raised timber fibres. If removing Graffiti or coatings from Wood Plastic Composites do not sand. Finally wipe surface down with a clean cloth or squeegee mop and allow thorough drying, surface is ready for painting.
Wash all scourers, rags and residues with water and collect for disposal at approved landfill site.