Introducing eXtreme Joist
The option for those extremely low decks where standard bearers and joists just won’t cut it.
H4 treated eXtreme Joist is suitable for applications where timber will come in contact with the ground, while also offering protection against insect attack and fungal decay.
With joist options for all applications whether it’s laying directly over the patio, concrete balcony, or a new external deck eXtreme Joist has it covered.
eXtreme Joists are also double primed for added protection against moisture ingress.
Your deck is only as durable as it’s the weakest point. Do it right the first time!

A fantastic example of a low deck eXtreme Joist frame by the talented Darren Brown.
A fantastic example of a low deck eXtreme Joist frame by the talented Darren Brown.