Paling Fencing. Includes Posts, Palings, Rails & Plinth (Full Package)

Paling Fencing. Includes Posts, Palings, Rails & Plinth (Full Package)

$80.89 $188.68 per 2.7M Panel

Note: This is sold in 2.7m sections

SKU: N/A Category:

Product Brand:


Product Brand:



Paling Fencing ordering instructions:

Please select your paling fence order from the drop down boxes above and click “add to cart”.

You will then need to add any “Starter Posts” and other extras separately. (For every 2.7M panel of fence you get 1 post. If you need a post at each end of the fence you will need to add 1 Starter Post.

See  the table below to work out how many panels of fencing you will need. (Still not sure? You can chat with us online by clicking on the chat box in the bottom right corner of your screen.)

Some common extras:

Additional information

Weight 1000 kg
Post Species



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