We all remember the famous Castrol ad “Oils ain’t Oils”. The same slogan could be applied to timber…

At Demak we pride ourselves on the quality of our timbers and take extra care and time to carefully stack our timber in purpose built racks.
Each section has been made to size to suit each timber width. (This helps to minimise any bowing or spring.)
Our customers are able to quickly and easily select the right length without having to turn over 10+ pieces first.

It also helps that we are supported by some of Australia’s best Timber wholesalers and Saw Mills who go out of their way to make sure we get the best of their stock.

We may be a bit over the top in our pride, but that’s ok isn’t it..?

We challenge you to find a neater, cleaner timber yard than ours!

Both photos of Merbau decking racks taken on any average weekend…